Thursday, June 30, 2011

Human pin cushion

These are my knees one hour ago undergoing some kind of accupuncture/moxibustion/e-stim procedure.  This is my first experience with accupuncture of any kind.  When the doctor was putting in the needles I had a tingling surge in my lower abdomen, which might have just been adrenaline because someone was putting needles in my leg.


  1. So....... do you think that knees in need of acupuncture and 6th floor walkups could be related?

  2. No, dad, not unless my knees anticipated the move by several years, but I understand that genetics could be a factor...

  3. Lookie here wonderchild, you take the bad genes with the amazing genes. If you wanted to pick and choose MCL style, you should have waited till 2525 to be born.

  4. hows it feel now? my knees sure crunch a lot... I doubt we have a real reputable acupuncturist in Paducah, KY, though.
